Whew! Another awesome weekend this time full of gift workshops and a great Etsy workshop, too! Thanks so much to Chelsea Thorson of
Raine Design for presenting a load of awesome info for Etsy beginners and advanced shop owners. Also thanks to
The Station House who set up areas for professional photography of items for people and also computer help. We look forward to partnering up again this January for some more focused classes. And, thanks to all you creative people who came out and shared your ideas and asked great questions. Watch here, on
twitter, and
Facebook for updates!
This coming weekend will entail a Glass Etching (full) and Friendship Bracelet workshop, sample cake balls from Love in the Oven, and a free Christmas photobooth on Sunday - check out
www.ungluedmarket.com for details.
This past Sunday, Kelsey and Justin from the crew chose their top picks in the shop - check them out below.

We asked Kelsey to find her top gift ideas -
*For herself she chose this sweet necklace -

*For her dad she chose either a wood pen or deer antler pen -

(Sidenote: You pretty much NEED to take a minute right now and watch this video on Turning Pro who makes the above pens.
Turning Pro from Ben K on Vimeo.)
*For her mom she chose mittens (we have some awesome bright colors in stock!) -

*For her brother she found the beer mugs -

*For her best friend she liked this necklace -

As we were closing up shop this weekend, Justin ran around to find his favorite items in the shop to share with you!

(he's the poster boy for all the mustache representation in the shop!)
Clicking it with our camera phone doesn't do these (or the above) items justice, but you get the idea!
Justin's favorites:
The Fargo Christmas card -

His favorite print with an Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros' lyric -

His favorite zombie plushie -

He loves this map star -

And specifically loves the man tie with saws and tools...

Once again, we have more new variety in the shop that even we didn't expect! Hope the holidays aren't making you too crazy...stop by for some warm hot cocoa and as Justin says "non-pukey" Christmas cheer:)